
About The Author

Nikita (Kitta) is a 30-something-year-old girl who lives in Perth, Western Australia. She was born in Subiaco on August 2nd, 1984. Her heritage is Polish, Scottish and English. When she was born she had a full head of jet black hair and spent her first few years being obsessed with her hands. That was until she noticed her feet, whole new world there.


Kitta a self-confessed high heel worshipper and Doctor Who fangirl (lovingly naming her network dive Tardis and including ‘pool’ and ‘library’ directories) who experiences withdrawal symptoms when she doesn’t have a daily dose of gaming. Kitta is lactose intolerant and enjoys cooking and using the word ‘nomtastic’ to describe edible objects. Her favourite colours are black (#000000) and red (#FF0000) and she is a proud geek that would marry her Xbox if it was legal to do so. However, she still exhibits traditional girly traits, such as having an unhealthy obsession with makeup, shoes, nails and face masks. She is an avid Zombicinephile that suffers from Multiplebrowsertabitis. She also likes making up new words. Kitta currently works in the event industry and is completing a Bachelor of Commerce in Event Management. In her spare time, she enjoys travelling, volunteering, making jewellery and gaming. Previously she worked as a fashion model and web designer.

She has been blogging since 1999, and has been a WordPress user since version 0.72 and before that b2, and before that Greymatter, and before that Teen Open Diary. If you remember the above-mentioned blogging platforms you get a cyber cookie.


About The Little Red Monkey


The Little Red Monkey joined on the sidebar in early 2003, he swiftly climbed his way into prime position in the header image for a few years (with a sarcastic thought bubble above his head) before retiring back to the sidebar to live a more relaxed life. He currently hunts down spam comments and enjoys long walks on cyber beaches.

monkav chrissy04monkey lrmcar summer04monkey



The text, content, posts, images and photographs contained within this website is published by Nikita Kashner and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License. Please contact me if you wish to use any text, content, posts, images or photographs. If you steal or borrow any of these items a very mad little red monkey will decapitate you.


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