Christmas Jewellery

Getting into the Christmas sprit.

Christmas Jewellery

Necklace features a beautiful lampwork Christmas tree pendant that I got on eBay last year (I can’t remember the seller’s name. Chockadoo was the eBay seller that designed it) and assorted red/green glass beads.


  1. Snyke says:

    Not yet december but the whole world is already celebrating Christmas… I really don’t get it…


  2. Loddy says:

    Awww de liddle cwwissmass twwee!


  3. Rod H says:

    That’s nice. Good work.


  4. stu says:

    yeah, it spoils the festive event when folks start on xmas to early, xmas now sucks,, its offical


  5. Fiona says:

    aww ignore those whingers up there! Christmas is coming and since it’s only a month away, why not start the festivities? ๐Ÿ™‚

    GORGEOUS neclace hehe perfect for a few Chrissy parties ๐Ÿ™‚

    take care!


  6. Dan says:

    Really nice work Kitta! Have a happy holiday. I have to comment about your current desktop pic. Poor little doggie, do ya think he/she feels foolish?


  7. JErm says:

    Those beads are yummy! Are they edible? ๐Ÿ˜‰


  8. nate says:

    kitta, you said that you got the xmas tree pendant from ebay. was it from inside australia? nice work by the way ๐Ÿ™‚


  9. Kitta says:

    Snyke, I made it early so I could enter it in any Christmas jewellery design contests.

    Dan, I posted a link to the doggie on my desktop in Linkies.

    Jerm, no they are not edible. Although sometimes when I’m beading I look at the beads and think “if only they were food”.

    Nate, yes it was Iรขโ‚ฌโ„ขm trying to track down the designer.


  10. cjp says:

    Sometimes it’s nice to start xmas a bit early, can cheer everyone up. When it’s not pushed on you that is -I always remember one newsagent in the town I used to live which would have a christmas display (complete with tree) in one window, and a halloween display in the other!

    Still, I always start celebrating xmas on the 1st, when you start opening the advent calenders -but then it is my birthday on that day too, so that helps ๐Ÿ˜‰


  11. Liquid says:

    Hey hey, i just found this little piece in the with your name ๐Ÿ™‚ If you havn’t checked it out already


  12. Kitta says:

    Bit off topic Liquid, but yes, I did already know about that. I link to it, and a few others, in my colophon section. I still have no idea who submitted it though.


  13. Anne says:

    Hey Kitta, gorgeous necklace. Christmas stuff usually looks tacky but that necklace is beautiful and classy. ๐Ÿ™‚


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