Little Red Bunny


Some of you may have noticed that the header image has changed (Ctrl-F5 to force refresh if you can’t see it), the rolling hills where the Little Red Monkey once ranted and raved have been replaced with a rainbow, and coloured Easter eggs can be found scattered among the foliage. The Little Red Monkey was tired of ranting day in day out at, so he has taken a holiday down south over the Easter break and has asked the Little Red Bunny to take over while he’s gone.
Same rules apply; no feeding or spanking.

I hope you all have a safe and happy Easter. πŸ˜‰


  1. Stacy says:

    I love it!!


  2. Ben says:

    LOL. It looks more like a dog than a bunny. Cute though. Great site you have here!


  3. Arne says:

    He really deserved some time of, but we’ll miss him. Except if now he’s finally broken out of his html cage to start his quest for dominion. Time will tell.


  4. Crystal says:

    The bunny is adorable.


  5. Tom says:

    Nice, Have a great holiday as well!


  6. JeN says:

    Happy Easter!
    Maybe my little brown bunny can keep the red one company.
    Easter Pfeffer


  7. Bob says:

    that monkey needed a vacation.
    Bunnies are cute [wiggles nose]


  8. Lily says:

    *eats eastereggs* I love your designs, this thing you’re having is very original! Love it! ^^


  9. Drea says:

    launched my site finally, check it out and let me know what you think! theres also a new forum.. you should join! and of course your linked πŸ˜‰


  10. Mark says:

    Ah, the redesign is finally here πŸ˜‰ The bunny does *not* look like a dog, btw.


  11. Kitta says:

    Mark: Yep, this is the re-design that I have been working on for ages. Amazing, isn’t it? Each pixel has been hand rendered by naked virgin graphic artists in France, who slave for hours to find the perfect hex code to compliment the rest of the design. They also coat themselves in olive oil and lay out in the sun to produce virgin olive oil as a side business.


  12. Netta says:

    Love IT!
    The layout it’s very cute!


  13. Mark says:

    Vigin olive oil? Sounds better than my vegetable oil, which I presume is squeezed out of mental patients…


  14. Mark says:

    Ew, I’m going to hell.


  15. Kitta says:

    Mark: Haha, you so are.


  16. Cookie says:

    Hey Nikita

    Found your website on the new aussie blog directory – never realised Perth has such an active blog community.

    Anyway, thought I’d include you as a link to my site, so if you like my blog and want to do likewise it’d be much appreciated!

    Stay out of that sun…



  17. Sian says:

    Me want Bunny! I can’t get it to work for some reason, nevertheless, Happy Easter to you!


  18. Happy Easter Bit Late, unless your orthodox


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