1. victor says:

    nice kitty xD look… i have my new driver’s license


  2. sergio says:

    Ah… Are we turning into a photoblog now? =)


  3. MaThIbUs says:

    That’s when you know you’re a true geek — when you notice even this photo makes you think of Fitts’s Law.

    P.S.: Kitta, I know you prolly don’t care, but I hate that MD5 redirect thing. You should at least give the links in the comments list a title attribute, so we can all see to which site we’ll go when clicking it… But that’s just my opinion.


  4. Kitta says:

    Yeah Sergio, I’m doing a Dunstan. 😉

    And MaThIbUs, the MD5 redirect is a plug-in, so I have no idea how it works, but I do agree, and I’m going to look into getting the URI to show up in the title attribute.


  5. MaThIbUs says:

    You could just use http://www.google.com/url?q=URI… That doesn’t require installing a plug-in and that way we can easily see the URI we’re going to in the status bar.

    Sorry for going off-topic here!


  6. MaThIbUs says:

    Correction: It the above comment, it should be http://www.google.com/url?sa=D&q=URI [example].


  7. Kris says:

    Its eyes are glowing!! great photography work


  8. Ricko says:

    awww did ya get a kitty to offset the loss of yer doggie 😦 good choice cats can be very comforting 😀


  9. stu says:

    i wont say, nice pussey cos it sound sort of perveted ok,but i will say, what a great picture, the eyes stand out, what its name


  10. Mello says:

    Awww! What a sweet kitty! 🙂


  11. Luke says:

    is that…*looks around*….the Evil One? 😛

    I don’t suppose you could let me know where you get your desktop backgrounds from can you? There seems to be a nice variety of solid colour photo’s there…a rarity with models modelling nothing in particular. Or so it seems.


  12. Kitta says:

    Ricko, no I’ve had her for years.

    Luke, yes it is the evil one and that desktop background is from Joseph Cartright Photography. Beautiful photos.


  13. Lis says:

    how cute!! your kitty is so adorable. how did you get her to stay put long enough to get a good shot? i post lots of pictures of my kitties on my moblog.. I’m told they’re photogenic.. Yours definitely is 🙂


  14. What big eyes we have. nice photo! most time photos are hard to get like that one. what your kitty name??


  15. Luke says:

    Cheers Kitta!


  16. Keddy says:

    You cat seems rather alert in the pic. The eyes seem fitting for halloween comming up too. Well I just wanted to say HEY!


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