I come from the land of chunder

This is the song I’ve had in my head all day long (Song is to the tune of ‘land down under’ by men at work)…

I come from the land of chunder
Where rivers flow full of chunder
Can’t ya hear, can’t ya hear, chunderrrrrrr
Ya’ better run, ya’ better take coverrrrrr

I don’t know if I’ve heard it somewhere before or if I made it up, all I know is it popped into my head this morning while I was in the shower and it has been on my mind all day. My mind is a strange place full of html, songs about chunder and oprah show dreams.

Anyways, over the last few days I’ve been setting up a new forum. I decided to put one up because I was bored and felt like doing something else besides moving furniture all day. Yes, I’ve had a forum before and I ended up killing it with a cyber axe, but hopefully this one will live to be a middle aged or old forum… Imagine it, the forum will be looking for its cyber cane to hit spammers with, telling a lot of “in my day” stories while trying to find its cyber teeth.

Have you ever noticed how I go completely off topic and start rambling about odd things all the time?


  1. Reagen Ward says:

    So, what does ‘chunder’ mean anyway? In the original song, he says ‘and men chunder,’ leaving me wondering if I’m missing out on some insightful aussie comment.

    While I’m at it, what does mulching mean?


  2. bobsully says:

    Chunder means to vomit; generally chunky in nature. Gross, but you asked….


  3. Drakhir says:

    Your lyrics are actually from ‘Land Down Under’ by Men at Work, only slightly different:
    I come from a land down under,
    when women glow, and men chunder.
    Can you hear can you hear the thunder
    You better go, you better take cover.
    It’s chorus 2 or 3, as they are all slightly different.
    Hope that helps sort things out 🙂


  4. Kitta says:

    Yeah, I kind of pointed that out in my entry.


  5. Unred Dave says:

    As I understand it, chunder was originally coined by the early settlers of Oz whilst aboard the ships taking them to their new home. As the seas grew rough and stomachs beagn to turn, the people would run to the rail and yell “watch under!” before they let loose a volley of vomit into the sea. As the voyage progressed, the time between warning and action diminished until “Chunder!” was all they could manage to get out …


  6. fuzzy says:

    the word chunder only appears once through out the whole song and isnt in the context you all have it in the wrong spot
    “I come from a land down under
    Where beer does flow and men chunder
    Can’t you hear, can’t you hear the thunder?
    You better run, you better take cover”
    every other time you have put chunder in most ur comment its really plunder.


  7. Travis says:

    The OED recognizes chunder. It’s unclear to me why I took the time to replicate the markup, or even comment on a post from 2003, but there you go. 🙂

    Chunder, v. intr.

    Austral. slang.

    1950 ‘N. SHUTE’ Town like Alice iii. 76 The way these bloody Nips go on. Makes you chunda. 1953 BAKER Australia Speaks vii. 169 Chunder, to vomit; whence, chundering, vomiting; also chunder, a noun, vomit. 1956 ‘N. SHUTE’ Beyond Black Stump v. 155 But I gets sick at the stomach. I chundered once today already. 1967 J. CLEARY Long Pursuit x. 229 ‘I wouldn’t go for the chunda, sport.’.. Polo mimed a vomiting motion. 1969 Listener 24 Apr. 588/2 This mountainously jawed extrovert chunders (or vomits) his way through the kangaroo valley of Earl’s Court in pursuit of Sheilas. 1970 Private Eye 2 Jan. 12 Many’s the time we’ve chundered in the same bucket. Ibid. 10 Apr. 16 Pom dogs have rolled around in a lot worse stuff than a nice fresh chunder.

    Followup question: do the Australians have differences with British English as we Americans do? Do they have a comprehensive, well-respected dictionary that they might prefer to the OED? I’ve run across a few words where, if in America, you’d definitely want to refer to the Merriam-Webster Dictionary definition in preference to the OED if you want to talk to the locals. Unfortunately, I can’t remember any examples at the moment.


  8. Me says:

    what i want to know is what the last 2 versus of the chorus mean.
    “Cant you hear, Cant you hear the thunder”
    “You better run you better take cover”

    I really dont understand what this part of the song is referring to? Any help?


  9. JW says:

    Colin Hay reveals most of the meaning here…


    except the thunder/take cover bit. I’d hazard a guess it’s either:

    a) aussies full of beer about to blow off, (in tune with the comic part of the song), or
    b) the sound of whites plundering the land of australia (the main meaning of the song).


  10. JW says:

    Or, most likely, thunder represents people angry with the white Aussies for pluindering australia so they’d better leg it.


  11. singh says:

    thunder beacuse in aussie outback you can smell and hear the storm when its about to come.


  12. Aviram says:

    @Reagen Ward:
    G’Day Cuse,
    I was sittiin in my living room, trying 2 play “down under – men at work” got lazy ass and went 2 the net 2 find the words to the song and 2 chck if the chords.
    was wondering, what the hell “chunder” means, thats what iv found out :”Chunder means to be sick, it originates from old seafareing. When sailor’s would get seasick and stick their head out of the porthole in their cabin. As they did this they would shout ‘WATCH UNDER’ to warn people in lower cabins of the forthcoming puke. Over the years this has evolved to ‘CHUNDER’
    Possibly convicts coming to Australia?

    Also ‘Men at Work’ song Down under.
    ‘I come from a land down under where beer does flow and men CHUNDER. Can’t you hear can’t you hear the thunder? You better run, you better take cover.'”

    anyways, ozzy is beautifull m8 hope ill be there again soon! have a good one brow:))
    man i miss ozzy……oyoyoy


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